Midi: When You Wish Upon a Star...


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sweet little Jessica...

Jessica and Mommy Jessica age 15 mos...

This Child of mine....

How I want to let her shine...

Let her grow and become a beautiful

person inside and out. Like a perfect flower

In a garden that will last forever~ At least in my heart....

Pretty little Jessica....

Jessica Dec '96 Jessica age3 years...

With her fair golden hair....

Jessica Summer of '97 Jessica age 3 1/2...

Sometimes kid, I get so upset.

Mommies sometimes do that. But I still love you.

Sometimes kid you make me laugh.

Even though I am supposed to be upset with you.

It's okay sometimes I understand. You are a lot like I was...

Kinda goofy, Kinda smart... Kinda independant,

but allways loving.

You will allways have my love, baby....

No matter what.

her pretty blue eyes are her

Jessica Easter '98 Jessica age 4 1/2...

Good night, Lullabye... good night...

My dear Jessica... sleep tight now,

sleep tight, close your eyes and

go to bed.... I love you and for allways

that will never change... I love you and for allways

sleep tight now my little one...

daddy's prize.....

Jessica Mothers Day '98 Jessica age 4 1/2...

oh sweet little Jessica......


Don't forget to check out page 2 and page 3 ( NEW!) of the Photo Album

01/22/99 this page was last updated....


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