Midi: I will Survive...

Hi! I am SabbyJ... I drive a school bus. Welcome to my

School Bus Main page! I work for .

I don't work all the time any more, But I do still drive now and then.

I have taken time off to be a new mommy again and spend time

with my daughter. I miss bus driving, and I miss

the kids a lot. But I also love staying at home.

I have made a WebRing for school bus drivers , if you are a driver, please

join the ring! It hought it would be a great idea to get us all together

for support and laughs and a shoulder to cry on when

as we know, our jobs get quite stressful at times.

And yet, we still love them... so please join

the School Bus Drivers Web Ring!

[Sabby J's Home]

[School Bus Webring] [School Bus Safety Rules]


E- Mail Me!!!!