Hi ! I
am Sabby J. I am 27 years old, married and have one child, who is
5 years old.
Her name is Jessica. She has ADHD ( attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder)
We live in Minnesota where is it usually cold most of the year.
My husband Don and I are expecting another child due in July of
Check out the new baby page to read all about it.
I am also a School Bus Driver and love that job very much.
Although it keeps me on my toes, when I am working.
My other interests are singing Karaoke and browsing the
web, looking to expand my library of midi files.
Below is Jessica's great grandmother Lucy, myself and
Jessica taken mothers day, 1998.
The Mining
Co's add/adhd page ~ Bob Seay is the guide here.. GREAT!
Learn All about and great support for families with ADHD and ADD
ADHD and ADD parents page ~This is my friend Kim Judge's page...
Fat Cats, Writing and Food for thought...~ This is a Great site! Fun links, Games
and all kinds of things! ( if you can't tell I am very impressed ! LOL)
First Universalist Church of Minneapolis...~ This is where I attend sunday services...
Moms Place...~ Stay at home mom newsletter... ( its great! )
WOW Women Online ~They have wonderful links
Palsy Network ~ Message board and Chat room for sufferers
and supporters of people with Bells Palsy( like me)
Health Net on Kidney Reflux~ This site has all kinds of
info on Kidney Reflux ( that Jessica has)
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